First, I had to walk to our local grocery store and buy the ingredients - had to get in my Fitbit steps! $17 and a half hour later, I was walking home. Next, the pan - luckily I found a 10-inch skillet as Chef Michael suggested. Then, a whole lot of chopping - potatoes, cheese (the food processor made quick work of that), home-grown garlic and onion.
My husband received a Misto for Christmas, so I used that to spray olive oil into the pan before laying down the parchment.
Now the bacon. Following the directions, it was quite easy to lay the bacon around the pan. I texted my husband a picture - I was so proud!
The first layer of potatoes went in. I seasoned it with salt and pepper, and then promptly forgot to season the rest of the layers.
Onion mixed with garlic and French thyme (thank you, Penzeys!) went in next, followed by a layer of cheese...
Again, per the directions, I tapered the layers in to not create overflow.
Next I wrapped the bacon over the top - easy! Chef Michael said to put a small lid on the top, otherwise the bacon would curl.
By this time it was 6:30 p.m. - and the tart had to bake for 2 1/2 hours! My husband was supposed to get off work at 8! I figured I'd pour him a glass of wine, and fix some salad...
I checked on it, and the house smelled like Thanksgiving with the bacon, onion and thyme.
My husband got home, and the tart finished. I enlisted his help in pouring off the grease (and he burned himself in the process by grabbing the lid with his bare hands!)
It looks fantastic!!
Between the two of us we flipped the tart over and removed the parchment. The directions said let it cool for 15 minutes, so we ate our salad and drank a glass of wine.
On to our cutting board (handmade by our brother-in-law and his father) to slice.
It tasted as good as it looked! It made quite a few servings, so we froze half for later. The next day we heated up leftovers in the microwave, and the flavors melded even more. We'll do some tweaking next time (a different cheese, maybe a different herb in the onion mixture), but there will be a next time!
Yum, absolute yum!